Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Mystery of our 34 crores gods and goddesses

SRI KRISHNA We know about SriKrishna mostly from Srimad Bhagavatam. There he was depicted as a mischievous child, a romantic lover, a musician, a happily married man with multiple wives, and also a warrior. We consider him God. But strangely, the scriptures mention the time when he walked upon this earth as the “Dwaparyuga” the “Copper age” and not the “Satyuga” or the “Golden age”. Also, these sacred books mention Krishna’s statement that whenever religion is in its decline, he comes to re establish religion. Doesn’t that mean, the world should have been a better place after he was gone, because he established religion? But, as we all know kalyug set in after Dwaparyug, and the world is suffering now…was that establishment of religion?? The strangest thing was that, inspite of depicting him as God, the scriptures have demeaned him by making him play the roles of a “thief”, a “heart breaker”, an “irresponsible lover”, a “drunk”, a “ shrewd politician” and so on. Not to forget that, he was depicted as someone who preached “violence” and as someone who believed in “polygamy”. The truth is that, these scriptures were written during those times when the world had merely started experiencing unhappiness, sorrow, pain and grief. The Dwaparyug or the copper age started after Satyug or the golden age, and Tretayug or the silver age. The Satyug and Tretayug saw only peace, prosperity, joy, and positivity. However, the scholars in Dwaparyug, could foresee the future- the dark days of kaliyug ahead, and wrote these epics with the intention to warn the readers. These epics were full of entertainment, but with a deep message within. They used the characters of Satyuga, and the setting of Dwapar and kalyuga to spin the story. However, as the stories were told and retold, the original deep spiritual interpretation was lost. The writers advised the readers to get closer to the Supreme soul, the father of all souls, and to keep away from the vices-lust, anger, attachment, greed and pride. As Kalyug commenced we went further away and away from the true meaning and started worshipping the characters as “God” instead. SriKrishna was the purest of pure soul and was the first human on earth during the Satyuga. He had divine qualities, was sixteen celestial degrees full was completely viceless. During satyuga there were only 9 lakhs of human beings and they were all soul conscious and emanated light and purity, were close to nature and the Supreme soul. There was only happiness, contentment, satisfaction, purity, knowledge and power. The 9 lakhs of souls from Satyug were all worthy of worship and they had qualities close to God, and so they were called “Devtas” or “deities”. Later on, the population increased to 34 crores during Tretayug. And that is the mystery of our 34 crores devis and devtas. Do you want to know the mystery of our holy book “the Gita”??

Friday, May 4, 2012

Yummy Indian Chicken Curry Dry Ingredients: 1. Cardamom pods, Cloves, Cinnamon sticks, black pepper, Star Anise. 2. Coriander seeds, Cumin seeds, Aniseeds, Dry red chillies, and some mustard and methi seeds. 3. Salt, sugar and turmeric powder. 4. 2-3 bay leaves Wet Ingredients: 4. Ginger and garlic paste. 5. Mint leaves, green chillies and coriander leaves paste. 6. Beaten Curd or beaten cream or lemon juice or magaj paste, or poppy seeds paste, or almond paste or cashew paste or tomato puree or warm water, as per choice of the sauce/curry. Chopped onions Ketchup Vinegar or lemon juice. Refined oil or clarified butter Procedure: Dry roast the ingredients number 1 and grind them into powder. Marinate the chicken in a paste of some of this powder, salt and vinegar for two hours. Till then dry roast the ingredients number 2 Make a paste of the wet ingredients number 4 and 5 separately. Now, heat the pan and add refined oil or clarified butter. Add bay leaves and the chopped onions. When golden brown add the chicken pieces and fry them till they are dry. Now add some ketchup so that each piece is coated. Keep the chicken aside. Now add the ingredient number 4 and fry till oil separates. Add ingredient number 5 and 6. Lower the flame and add ingredient number 2 and 3 as per taste and cover it for 5 minutes. Then add the chicken and cover it for 20 minutes. Sprinkle some ingredient 1, mix thoroughly and this aromatic chicken is ready to serve.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

mystery of the blue god

The mystery of the blue incarnation

He came to restore peace in the dwapara yuga and took birth as “Krishna”, in the womb of Devaki. It was only this last avatar of Lord Vishnu who could steal, charm, love and fight with equal élan.

Krishna was raised in Gokula in the home of Nanda and Yashodha. He was an unearthly youth, blue as the heart of a rainbow, body scented with chandan, and wore robes of silk like molten gold. Around his neck was vaijayanti, a wild flower garland of tulasi, kunda, mandara, parijata,delicate rainbow orchids and an extravagance of lotuses. His hair was jet black,curly and was adorned with a peacock feather. His lips wore a mysterious smile and played melodious tunes with his golden flute which drove all the women mad.

However, after his leela in Gokula, Vrindavana and Mathura, and tired of battles and his enemies-Jarasandha, Salva, Rukmi, Druma, Sishupala, he went to the heavenly city of Dwaraka (now in Gujarat) with all the yadavas. The marine city of Dwaraka designed by Vishvakarma was indeed a miracle in the sea. It was twelve leagues square; its mansions had crystal towers and terraces, bejeweled domes, floors of beaten gold studded with precious stones.

It was here that Lord Krishna spent the rest of his life. After the victory in the Kurukshetra war, when he returned to Dwaraka, halfway along the road he saw evil omens all around him. He suddenly remembered that the sinister spirit of Kaliyuga is ready to set in and his avatar was coming to an end. It so happened that his own son, Samba along with some other unruly Yadava youths got heavily intoxicated and decided to play a prank on a group of divine rishis-Vishvamitra, Narada, Kanva. Samba borrowed a fisher woman’s attire and pretended to be pregnant and the youths accused the rishis to be responsible for his state. They casually asked the rishis if the child would be a boy or a girl. The divine rishis immediately flew into a violent rage and cursed that an iron club would be born and it will destroy their whole clan. Instantly Samba’s belly grew and that very night the iron club appeared. The king of Dwaraka, Ugrasena had the club grounded to powder though a particular sliver that was arrow shaped refused to even change shape. The powder along with the arrow shaped sliver was cast into the sea which was washed landward by the tide. The powder turned into pollen and it grew into silver eraka reeds with supernatural swiftness on a sacred shore.

Now, the particular arrow shaped sliver of the iron club that could not be grounded was swallowed by a large fish and when some fishermen cut up the fish they caught that day, Jara the hunter spotted it. As fate would have it, he fixed it to the head of his hunting arrow.

Krishna sensed the terrible end of the yadavas. He took all of them to Prabhasa and asked them to bathe at the holy confluence and perform some rituals. Little did they know that they were performing their won last rites. As persuaded by the subtle fate, the yadavas as usual got heady before their midday meal by the potent drink called “maireyaka”. They then started quarrelling over some petty issues and in a flash drew their swords. Very soon, son fought father, brother fought brother, all deranged with “maireyaka” and by Krishna’s maya.

Aniruddha, Krishna’s grandson in a fit of rage grabbed at a handful of those cursed reeds which quickly turned into a sword at his amazement. Each yadava playfully pulled the reeds and very soon all of them held a sword made of the rishi’s curse. And they struck each other in a drunken, dazed state and nobody could stop the wild yadavas not even Balarama nor Krishna himself. The blue incarnation who was half human, was stupefied and helpless as he stood among the smouldering ruins of his own people, and now searched for his brother.

But tired of his incarnation and his human life, Balarama sat quietly under a great aswattha tree meditating. He was himself an avatar of the Ananta naag and slowly Krishna saw Balarama’s body metamorphose and turn into a white serpent. The serpent then bowed to the blue God and glided majestically into the ocean and vanished. Krishna sighed and sat down under the same tree and sat in padmasana. Jara the hunter shot the fateful arrow at Krishna mistaking his blood stained foot to be a deer’s ear.

Krishna cried out, a last echoing roar in the world and Jara came running to find the mysterious blue avatar fighting for life. He begged for forgiveness, but Krishna only blessed him. Krishna knew his mission was over and immersed the magical city of Dwaraka into the sea through his maya. Thus ended the life of the final avatar of Vishnu and all his clan as he drew his last breath, and at once kaliyuga set in.

woe of a poor autopassenger in new delhi

Dear diary
Disguised under the cover of ‘dilli dilwalon ka” hides the real rough,haughty,rude and selfish dilliwallas- atleast with the experience I had, and I am sure many of us had if not everyday then someday or the other.
As soon as I got down at the railway station in Paharganj I was surrounded and greeted from different sides by eager autowallas. I was impressed, but as soon as I told them where I wanted to go they gave me such a blank look and drove away and made me wonder if “vikaspuri’ is in mars.
After several encounters like this I asked them why are they even asking me where I wanted to go if they actually did not want to drop me. This time they gave me such “how dare you” looks that I almost fled.
Finally, I came out to the road dragging my luggage hoping some ‘kind’ autowallah will take pity on me. One did, after a lot of begging and requesting but charged me an astronomical amount. Did I have any choice but to comply?
The traffic is terrible and the scorching heat becomes more unbearable with the mood swings of the other drivers on the road each swearing and abusing each other and not to mention the occasional cows and buffaloes showing up in the middle of the road.
This is not expected from a metro city and that too the capital city of India. Where are the polite, friendly, eager and honest autodrivers? And I heard that the auto drivers were attending classes on etiquettes, fair charging and so on to prepare for the visitors arriving for the Commonwealth games. I hope they are impressed.

Arzu Baruah

Saturday, April 18, 2009


As much as I want to avoid, but if keeps following and here it is-back with a bang!!
Welcome summer!This is the time of the year I dread the most. The scorching sun,the blistering heat, the sweaty days- doesnot go very well with me.

I love the winters of Delhi. It allows you to live your life to its fullest. Its funny, but I behave like animals going for hibernition. Only it goes the other way for me. I hibernate during summer and come out of my hole during winter.

Come October, and I prepare myself for the four lovely months ahead, and the beautiful celebrations that come with it-diwali, durga puja,christmas, new year, and ends with Valentine's day.I go back packing to all the places I want to explore, and enjoy to my heart's content. I shop till I drop and stock my wardrobe to last me throughout summer. I can afford to be outdoors, anytime of the day as the sun, gives me comfort and joy. You have ways to beat the cold, if it bothers you-wrap yourself with layers of woollen, sip hot tea/coffee, walk till your destination without a sweat. go sunbathing in the nearby parks, exercise mildly. And there you are-ready to face the winters.

But the story is not even remotely similar in summer. The heat leaves you at home for the entire day, and you keep waiting for evening, to venture out. The ceiling fan does its best, but only a cooler/ air conditioner can come to your rescue, provided the power cut is negligible(which never is at this time of the year, when you need the most). The electricity bills at the end of the month does wonders to your wallet. Venturing into the kitchen, leaves you bathing with perspiration, and you end up loathing warm meals. Though there is no sun in sight in the evening, the hot loo lovingly greets you as you step out. That leaves you tired, and lethargic, and you keep postponding tasks to be done later.

To cut a long story short, summer leaves me depressed, snappy, tired, and I never welcome it with open arms. So long...........

Sunday, April 12, 2009

weekends for a singleton

i dont quite understand why people dread the very thought of empty be precise "empty weekends" is defined as the time that is waiting for you, without any planned activity, without company, without any work related tasks to be completed, and specially felt by those who are used to weekends come and go at the blink and miss speed.
well well, weekends need not be filled with things to do. in fact, strange that i may sound, but i prefer such time at my disposal. i am a singleton, and enjoy every single moment of it, without a lament, without a crib, touch wood!!
why should you be doing something to keep you busy 24/7?how would then one relax?let me be honest, i hate working weekwends, and rather spend all the time with myself!my mom calls me selfish, but if loving oneself is selfish, so be it!
now the million dollar question is what do i do???well.........nothing much!!!no no i do not spend idling, daydreaming, sleeping, killing time, if you thought since i told you,i am single, i do not have to rush at all. i am up in the morning, not quite morning though, at around 8:30 9:00 or so, and if i feel like, stretch even a bit longer. and mind you, do not tag me off as a lazy bum, i have my entire two days planned in my diary, the previous day. so, i know just what to do, but first things first-i start my day with 45 mins yoga. then, a luxurious breakfast has to be cooked(sadly by me, no i do not have a help) and enjoyed, to last me till noon. i read the newspaper not missing any thing (which i miss doing during the week days, as i am in a hurry). i take pleasure in cleaning, dusting, mopping my small apartment and making it spotless(which i never do during the week).
i cook a delicious meal, or order out. i enjoy the meal with a movie, or my favorite television channel-discovery travel and living. i catch up with my reading, and enjoy the afternoon. i do grocery shopping, enough to last me for a week.i go out for a dinner, of course alone and body stares at me.
so how does that sound????am i very boring???may be!!but atleast i am not crying for company, and learnning to be self sufficient and independent. oh by the way, i am planning to take guitar classes this summer, and practice some painting. and i am glad to say i enjoy my weekends all alone!!!until next time...the new blogger on the block..signing offff