Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Mystery of our 34 crores gods and goddesses

SRI KRISHNA We know about SriKrishna mostly from Srimad Bhagavatam. There he was depicted as a mischievous child, a romantic lover, a musician, a happily married man with multiple wives, and also a warrior. We consider him God. But strangely, the scriptures mention the time when he walked upon this earth as the “Dwaparyuga” the “Copper age” and not the “Satyuga” or the “Golden age”. Also, these sacred books mention Krishna’s statement that whenever religion is in its decline, he comes to re establish religion. Doesn’t that mean, the world should have been a better place after he was gone, because he established religion? But, as we all know kalyug set in after Dwaparyug, and the world is suffering now…was that establishment of religion?? The strangest thing was that, inspite of depicting him as God, the scriptures have demeaned him by making him play the roles of a “thief”, a “heart breaker”, an “irresponsible lover”, a “drunk”, a “ shrewd politician” and so on. Not to forget that, he was depicted as someone who preached “violence” and as someone who believed in “polygamy”. The truth is that, these scriptures were written during those times when the world had merely started experiencing unhappiness, sorrow, pain and grief. The Dwaparyug or the copper age started after Satyug or the golden age, and Tretayug or the silver age. The Satyug and Tretayug saw only peace, prosperity, joy, and positivity. However, the scholars in Dwaparyug, could foresee the future- the dark days of kaliyug ahead, and wrote these epics with the intention to warn the readers. These epics were full of entertainment, but with a deep message within. They used the characters of Satyuga, and the setting of Dwapar and kalyuga to spin the story. However, as the stories were told and retold, the original deep spiritual interpretation was lost. The writers advised the readers to get closer to the Supreme soul, the father of all souls, and to keep away from the vices-lust, anger, attachment, greed and pride. As Kalyug commenced we went further away and away from the true meaning and started worshipping the characters as “God” instead. SriKrishna was the purest of pure soul and was the first human on earth during the Satyuga. He had divine qualities, was sixteen celestial degrees full was completely viceless. During satyuga there were only 9 lakhs of human beings and they were all soul conscious and emanated light and purity, were close to nature and the Supreme soul. There was only happiness, contentment, satisfaction, purity, knowledge and power. The 9 lakhs of souls from Satyug were all worthy of worship and they had qualities close to God, and so they were called “Devtas” or “deities”. Later on, the population increased to 34 crores during Tretayug. And that is the mystery of our 34 crores devis and devtas. Do you want to know the mystery of our holy book “the Gita”??

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