Saturday, April 18, 2009


As much as I want to avoid, but if keeps following and here it is-back with a bang!!
Welcome summer!This is the time of the year I dread the most. The scorching sun,the blistering heat, the sweaty days- doesnot go very well with me.

I love the winters of Delhi. It allows you to live your life to its fullest. Its funny, but I behave like animals going for hibernition. Only it goes the other way for me. I hibernate during summer and come out of my hole during winter.

Come October, and I prepare myself for the four lovely months ahead, and the beautiful celebrations that come with it-diwali, durga puja,christmas, new year, and ends with Valentine's day.I go back packing to all the places I want to explore, and enjoy to my heart's content. I shop till I drop and stock my wardrobe to last me throughout summer. I can afford to be outdoors, anytime of the day as the sun, gives me comfort and joy. You have ways to beat the cold, if it bothers you-wrap yourself with layers of woollen, sip hot tea/coffee, walk till your destination without a sweat. go sunbathing in the nearby parks, exercise mildly. And there you are-ready to face the winters.

But the story is not even remotely similar in summer. The heat leaves you at home for the entire day, and you keep waiting for evening, to venture out. The ceiling fan does its best, but only a cooler/ air conditioner can come to your rescue, provided the power cut is negligible(which never is at this time of the year, when you need the most). The electricity bills at the end of the month does wonders to your wallet. Venturing into the kitchen, leaves you bathing with perspiration, and you end up loathing warm meals. Though there is no sun in sight in the evening, the hot loo lovingly greets you as you step out. That leaves you tired, and lethargic, and you keep postponding tasks to be done later.

To cut a long story short, summer leaves me depressed, snappy, tired, and I never welcome it with open arms. So long...........

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