Sunday, April 12, 2009

weekends for a singleton

i dont quite understand why people dread the very thought of empty be precise "empty weekends" is defined as the time that is waiting for you, without any planned activity, without company, without any work related tasks to be completed, and specially felt by those who are used to weekends come and go at the blink and miss speed.
well well, weekends need not be filled with things to do. in fact, strange that i may sound, but i prefer such time at my disposal. i am a singleton, and enjoy every single moment of it, without a lament, without a crib, touch wood!!
why should you be doing something to keep you busy 24/7?how would then one relax?let me be honest, i hate working weekwends, and rather spend all the time with myself!my mom calls me selfish, but if loving oneself is selfish, so be it!
now the million dollar question is what do i do???well.........nothing much!!!no no i do not spend idling, daydreaming, sleeping, killing time, if you thought since i told you,i am single, i do not have to rush at all. i am up in the morning, not quite morning though, at around 8:30 9:00 or so, and if i feel like, stretch even a bit longer. and mind you, do not tag me off as a lazy bum, i have my entire two days planned in my diary, the previous day. so, i know just what to do, but first things first-i start my day with 45 mins yoga. then, a luxurious breakfast has to be cooked(sadly by me, no i do not have a help) and enjoyed, to last me till noon. i read the newspaper not missing any thing (which i miss doing during the week days, as i am in a hurry). i take pleasure in cleaning, dusting, mopping my small apartment and making it spotless(which i never do during the week).
i cook a delicious meal, or order out. i enjoy the meal with a movie, or my favorite television channel-discovery travel and living. i catch up with my reading, and enjoy the afternoon. i do grocery shopping, enough to last me for a week.i go out for a dinner, of course alone and body stares at me.
so how does that sound????am i very boring???may be!!but atleast i am not crying for company, and learnning to be self sufficient and independent. oh by the way, i am planning to take guitar classes this summer, and practice some painting. and i am glad to say i enjoy my weekends all alone!!!until next time...the new blogger on the block..signing offff

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